On Wings of Ash and Dust:
Audiobook Campaign


About the Project
Note from the author:
Hi! I'm author Brittany Wang, and I'm so grateful you're interested in helping me fund the Audiobook for my no-spice YA Fantasy: On Wings of Ash and Dust. (Imagine The Hunger Games x Harry Potter's Triwizard Tournament—but with Royal Fae!)
To learn more about the Story, 6 exciting Reasons to Support the Audiobook, and what REWARDS you can get by pledging, watch my video on this page and scroll down to read more details!
Thank you so much for helping this author's dreams come true!
6 Reasons to Support the Audiobook:
1. Get: the Audiobook EARLY, Signed, Annotated Copies,
& more!
All tiers will receive digital goodies and exclusives! But if you're itching to get your hands on the Audiobook early, make sure you check out Tier 3 and above! The highest tiers will receive Signed, Annotated Paperback or Special Edition Hardcovers!
2. Your support means one more NO SPICE Audiobook in the World!
My narrator and I are very passionate about seeing more fantasy books that are still action packed & swoony, but are also appropriate for teen readers (and beyond). Publishing this project will mean one more audiobook in the world available for readers who are looking for these kinds of books.
3. Finally, a version of the story for those that love & NEED Audiobooks:
Besides simply loving audiobooks, I know many busy readers (like myself as a mom) prefer—or frankly NEED—audiobooks because they don’t have as much time to sit with a physical book. Or they have a visual impairment that makes it hard to read. This project is for them!
4. So the Audiobook can be available EVERYWHERE:
This project could have been significantly cheaper if I only published it exclusively to ACX, but then the audiobook would only be available on Audible, Amazon & iTunes. By being non-exclusive, I'm paying much more, but I get to make my audiobook available to EVERYONE, anywhere—even subscription services like Scribd and through Libraries!
5. So I can pay my Narrator what she deserves:
Audiobook Narrators put a ton of work and my narrator, Talon David, is extremely talented! We could have entered a contract where she only makes half of her normal rate, but we would have to be exclusive to ACX, plus Talon really deserves her full rate! All proceeds will go to paying Talon for her amazing work.
6. You’ll help make this author’s dreams come true!
Ever since I started writing this book, I couldn’t wait to have a talented narrator like Talon bring the story & characters to life. One of the audition samples she did for me was between my two love interests, and it gave me chills! I loved it so much that I listened to it multiple times that day. I can't wait to hear what she does with the full audiobook. Thank you for making this author's dreams come true!!
Meet My Narrator: Talon David
Talon has been working professionally as a voiceover artist for just over 2 years. Involved in theatre, music, and performance from a young age, she fell in love with telling stories, at one point even reading books to her younger sister, employing crazy character voices and excitable narration. Little did Talon know this was a foreshadowing experience. She ended up continuing her passion for music, specifically, through a Bachelor of Music from Belmont University. However, when trying to find a suitable job after graduation, in the aftermath of COVID, Talon realized she could use her audio editing skills--and musicianship--for audiobook narration. In a whirlwind two years, she has completed 60 audiobooks and counting, spanning from commercial fiction, to fantasy, to mystery/thrillers, to regency romance, to sci-fi, to memoirs and nonfiction, with a 4.7 average rating. Safe to say, Talon has definitely caught the bug for narration.

My Narrator's Samples!
For her audition, Talon recorded 2 scenes for me:
The Competitors Meet - This is the scene where our 5 fae competitors meet for the first time, face to face.
Love Interest Scene (Quinn & Aeron) - This is a fun scene (turned swoony!) between my two love interests!
Some character voices might be adjusted as we work on the final version of the audiobook, but I hope you enjoy this fun preview of Talon's first take on my characters!
Rewards for Supporting the Audiobook!
Read below to learn about the tiers of support you can give & the fun bookish rewards you can get!

Tier 1: Early Access to the first 6 Audio Chapters, 7 Character Art Wallpapers & Weekly Updates ($5)
Instead of waiting until the audiobook is finished & published, I'm going to send out the first 6 Chapters as soon as Talon finishes editing them. You should receive the first chapter in early September!
Plus, right after you pledge, you'll immediately get 7 Downloadable Wallpapers featuring the character art of my fae competitors for your computer Desktop.
I'll also send weekly updates on the full audiobook's progress and behind-the-scenes details.
3 items included:
Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 2: Exclusive Livestream Q&A with me & my Narrator! ($15)
We will talk about: “What it takes to make an Audiobook with a Narrator” (You'll get my experience & Talon's expertise! How did I pick Talon? What does the recording process look like? How does Talon come up with character voices? Tips for working with a Narrator. And more! ) You'll be able to submit questions early for me and my Narrator as well as get a recorded replay afterwards. This will be scheduled after the audiobook is complete. Estimated Time: October 2023.
Plus: You get all rewards from Tier 1 too!
4 items included:
Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 3 - EARLY ACCESS to the Full Audiobook ($25)
This will basically be like Pre-Ordering the Audiobook but you get it at least 1 month before the audiobook is published anywhere else!
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers too!
5 items included:
Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 4 - Character Art "Thank You" Postcard ($35)
I will send you a handwritten, heartfelt "Thank You" on a postcard with my book's character art on the front. This can double as a great bookmark too!
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers too!
6 items included:
Character Art "Thank You Postcard", Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 5 - Name a Character in Book 2 ($50)
I have a bunch of side characters in Book 2 that still need names! You could have YOUR name be one of the characters or you could come up with a different name you'd like to be featured.
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers too!
7 items included:
Name a Book 2 Character, Character Art Thank You Postcard, Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 6 - Special Thanks in the Audiobook ($60)
Get your name read by my Narrator in the Audiobook's Acknowledgements! (e.g. My narrator will read: “A special thanks to the following readers who supported the creation of this audiobook…”)
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers too!
8 items included:
Special Thanks in Audiobook, Handwritten Thank You Postcard, Name a Book 2 Character, Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 7 - Signed, Jacketed Hardcover with Special Edition Illustrated Case Laminate underneath! ($100 - U.S. ONLY)
I haven't even published a jacketed hardcover version to retailers yet, so you will be the first to get one! Plus, not only will this hardcover version be signed, but it will also have a SPECIAL EDITION Illustrated Case Laminate underneath the book jacket (The front will have Quinn as the "pirate" and the back will feature Quinn as the "warrior".) Because of the time it will take to print and ship, Estimated Delivery: Dec 2023 (but might be earlier!)
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers, except for the "Handwritten Thank You Postcard", as my thank you will be written in your hardcover book with my signature :)
8 items included:
Signed Special Edition Hardcover, Special Thanks in Audiobook, Name a Book 2 Character, Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 8 - ANNOTATED, Signed Paperback ($150 - U.S. ONLY)
Besides getting a signed paperback of the book (which I don't offer anywhere else at the moment) I will also handwrite annotations into the book (e.g. favorite lines, behind-the-scenes details, inspiration for characters, plot points, and world building, things that changed from first to final draft.) While I've shared some behind-the-scenes details in different formats before, many notes will be details not previously shared! You can also decide between getting the book with the OG Illustrated Cover or the current Icon Cover! Because of time it will take to print, annotate, and ship, Estimated Delivery: Dec 2023.
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers, except for the "Handwritten Thank You Postcard", as my thank you will be written in your paperback with my signature :)
8 items included:
Signed & Annotated Paperback, Special Thanks in Audiobook, Name a Book 2 Character, Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.

Tier 9 - ANNOTATED, Signed, Jacketed Hardcover with Special Edition Illustrated Case Laminate underneath! (When you pledge $250 or above - U.S. ONLY)
This reward is reserved for readers who want to give above and beyond! I haven't even published a jacketed hardcover version to retailers yet, so you will be the first to get one! Plus, not only will this hardcover version be signed AND ANNOTATED, but it will also have a SPECIAL EDITION Illustrated Case Laminate underneath the book jacket (The front will have Quinn as the "pirate" and the back will feature Quinn as the "warrior".) Because of time it will take to print, annotate, and ship, Estimated Delivery: Dec 2023.
Plus: You get all rewards from all previous tiers, except for the "Handwritten Thank You Postcard", as my thank you will be written in your paperback with my signature :)
8 items included:
Signed & Annotated Special Edition Hardcover, Special Thanks in Audiobook, Name a Book 2 Character, Early Access to the Full Audiobook, Exclusive Livestream, Early Audio Recordings, 7 Character Art Wallpapers, Weekly Behind-the Scenes Updates.
Risks and Challenges
My narrator has already started recording, so this Audiobook is happening no matter what! Your support makes this project more financially possible for me (your help is SOOO appreciated), and you get a bunch of a bonus goodies as a thank you!
Concerning the delivery time of the above rewards, a lot of factors are out of my control in terms of my print on demand company, my narrator, and unpredictable life occurrences. I'm going to do my best in getting you what you've pledged in the timeframes specified above, but thank you in advance for extending me some grace if there are delays out of my control.
About the Book
Do you love the faction competitions in The Hunger Games and Harry Potter's Triwizard Tournament?
Do you wish you could find more fantasy books that have swoony romances WITHOUT the spice?
Can't get enough of books with magical competitions, stabby heroines, (non-spicy) royal fae, found family, reluctant heroes, rivals to allies, and enemies to lovers subplots?
On Wings of Ash and Dust was written for you!
And now, it's becoming an Audiobook!

When a rebel fae princess (turned-pirate!) gets wrapped up into a dangerous competition for the faerie crown, she faces off against four fierce heirs from rival clans:
a flirtatious merman
a mute beast tamer
a half-blind artist
and a pompous princess.
But as an ancient prophecy entwines their fates, rivals must become allies before there’s no world left to rule.
I've always loved the competing factions in The Hunger Games and the Houses in Harry Potter, so I wanted to have a similar dynamic in my story.
Each of my fae clans are distinguished by what type of wings they have (yes, my fae have wings!), where in the world of "Faylan" they live in, and what they value above all else, aka: their "Etho".
For example: My MC Quinn is a Gwyllion, which means she has dragon wings, lives in the mountains, and values Strength above all else.
You can learn even more about each clan HERE and also TAKE THE QUIZ to find out which clan you would belong in!

Hi! I'm Brittany Wang, author of On Wings of Ash and Dust, the first book in a planned duology (with Book 2 hopefully coming out next year!) Besides being an author, I'm a wife & new mom, advocate for no spice books, and a writing & publishing coach.
Of the 80 reviews on Amazon, I'm so pleased to say that On Wings of Ash and Dust retains a 4.6/5 rating, and on Goodreads it has a 4.4/5. The support for my debut has blown me away, and I can't wait to bring die-hard and brand new readers the story in a fresh and exciting way through the dynamic format of audiobooks!