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I'm an aspiring writer! Do you have any advice for me?I love to get to know and help fellow writers! If you're looking for my top tips and resources, I've organized a bunch for you on my FOR WRITERS page, including tons of videos I've shared on my YouTube Channel. I also share more daily tips on my Instagram. If you'd like more personal help with your writing and author platform, check out my MENTORSHIP group on Patreon!
Where can I connect with you on social media?I'd love to be friends on social media! Right now, I'm most active on Instagram and my YouTube Channel. I'm also on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest!
Are you available to read / review my book?Thanks so much for thinking of me, but because my focus is writing and publishing my debut while also reading for my critique partners, I unfortunately don't have the time to commit to reading and reviewing for others. If you're looking for authors that might be interested, consider joining my Patreon Writer's Community where you can submit these kinds of requests to an exclusive group of over 70 committed writers!
When will your book be released?The status of each my young adult fantasy books can be found on my BOOKS page. You can also sign up for my NEWSLETTER to get insider details and early access to sneak peaks!
Can you help me build an Author Website or Social Media Platform like yours?I love to help fellow writers with building & growing their platforms! I've organized a bunch of my top tips for you on my FOR WRITERS page, including tons of videos I've shared on my YouTube Channel. I also share more tips on my Instagram. If you'd like more personal help, check out my MENTORSHIP group on Patreon or my Author Website Services!
When did you first start writing?Visit my ABOUT PAGE where I tell my story!
Are you looking for Beta Readers?If you'd like to be considered as a Beta Reader for any of my writing projects, you can join my Newsletter or Patreon as I always let them have first dibs!
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